The good news first: it compiles now. The problem I described in the
previous mail was that libjc was linked with the option "-module" (so
it can be dlopen()ed) and this is not portable. I removed the -module
and now it compiles.

I stripped out lots of ELF specific stuff, so my version could be interesting for a port to windows too. I just don't want to commit it
to "trunk" yet because it's completely untested.

Hi David,
I'm trying to compile JCHEVM with MSVC but, at the moment, the work, as underlined by Archie, last week, is not trivial and in fact, I'm having a noticeable number of compiling errors.

Next week, I'm gonna try to use the native port of the GNU chain, MinGW, as suggested by Ashish Ranjan and compile JCHEVM with GCC. Since you have successfully compiled the code with GCC, could you tell/send me the modifications you did, in order for me to speed up the job?

Has anybody tried to use the U/WIN project by AT&T instead of MinGW?
The U/WIN project is a DLL (posix.dll) that seats on top of Windows and
allows the programmer to call all POSIX APIs


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