On Wed, Dec 07, 2005 at 01:34:22PM -0500, Richard S. Hall wrote:
> Dalibor Topic wrote:
> >In terms of using a minimal OSGi environment for partitioning and
> >management of class library parts, what differences would be relevant
> >between R2/R3/R4?
> >  
> Between R2 and R3, not much...you can pretty much consider those two 
> equivalent.
> R4 adds some considerable differences to prior releases that may be 
> relevant for you, such as:
>    * Package import are now allowed to specify version ranges.
>    * Imports and exports can specify arbitrary attributes to help
>      direct how resolving occurs in a simplistic way.
>    * Support for sharing multiple versions of the same classes at the
>      same time.
>    * Along with the above, an improved consistency model that allows an
>      exported package to declare "uses" relationships on its imports
>      (and/or with other exported packages in the same bundle) so that
>      the framework can make sure that a given class space doesn't see
>      more than one version of a given class.
>    * Other forms of dependencies and packaging, such as explicit bundle
>      dependencies (as opposed to package dependencies) and bundle
>      fragments (that allow a logical bundle to be delivered in multiple
>      physical bundles). [These features are more advanced and can be
>      abused.]
> These are some of the main things that I can think of off the top of my 
> head. At this point, Felix supports the first four bullets.

Thanks for the explanation, Richard. One last question: are the
bundles/packages made for R4 loadable with R2/R3, i.e. do osgi
implementations ignore attributes they don't understand, for example?

dalibor topic

> I will actually be giving a presentation at ApacheCon in San Diego on 
> this exact topic, so if anyone is interested in more details, please 
> stop by and listen. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me.
> -> richard

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