I have now committed my work on porting JCHEVM to OSX/PPC to trunk since
this was suggested by Geir in the "Where to put it?" - discussion.

It compiles successfully on OSX/PPC but doesn't run yet because I left 
some ppc specific functions unimplemented so far. In case anything went
wrong or has to be reverted: The base revision is 354476, the new 
revision after the commits is 355123 (my first commit was 355107).

Regards, David.

David Tanzer, Haghofstr. 29, A-3352 St. Peter/Au, Austria/Europe
http://deltalabs.at -- http://dev.guglhupf.net -- http://guglhupf.net
My PGP Public Key: http://guglhupf.net/david/david.asc
From "Jockey for Position," after Pinky sees a similarly stupid 
looking horse
Brain: Dear God, they're multiplying.

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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