+1 (non-binding), thanks Intel!

On Tue, 2005-12-20 at 18:55 -0500, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
> Intel has offered an addition to the classlib effort in the form of  
> security code to the project under the Apache License to Apache  
> Harmony.  It can be found here :
> http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HARMONY-16
> The paperwork (Bulk Contribution Checklist and supporting  
> documentation) has been received and all documentation is in place.
> Therefore :
> [ ] +1 Accept the code into the project sandbox
> [ ] -1 Don't accept the code.  Reason :
> This vote will close 72 hours from now.
> (+1 from me, of course...)
> geir
David Tanzer, Haghofstr. 29, A-3352 St. Peter/Au, Austria/Europe
http://deltalabs.at -- http://dev.guglhupf.net -- http://guglhupf.net
My PGP Public Key: http://guglhupf.net/david/david.asc
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