I have absolutely no experience with such things, but I'm wondering how was this done with Tomcat, for example. They have the servlet API built from their source code, and the javadoc seems to be word by word identical to the specification. Is the servlet specification provided under different terms than the J2SE documentation?

Loenko, Mikhail Y wrote:
Agreed with #1

Let me better explain #3. It is not a taglet copying Sun's spec. Instead
it should insert pointers to specification of actual methods on Sun's
website. So the resulting docs would look like the following:

    public Foo(type arg)

    Spec reference: See corresponding <a [link to Sun's spec]>J2SE API
specification reference</a>

    And some additions, like "The spec allows this and that behavior, we
did it this way because ..."

What IMHO would not be a good idea is rewording complex method
descriptions as we could unintentionally change semantics and mislead
people who read our docs rather then official spec.

Mikhail Loenko
Intel Middleware Products Division

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Ellison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 4:26 PM
To: harmony-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Writing JavaDoc (was: Re: [RESULT] ( Was Re: [VOTE] Accept

JIRA contribution HARMONY-16

(Intel's contrib of security code for classlib)))

Loenko, Mikhail Y wrote:

Thanks for accepting the contribution

There's a bit of things that come out of this, like the
"com.intel.drl.spec_ref" javadoc tag that we should convert, and


What would be the best for those javadocs? We can have 3 possible
1. Copy-paste from the spec. Not sure it is legal

This one definitely has to be out.  The Sun JavaDoc is a
copyrighted/licensed work so making a verbatim copy is unacceptable.

2. Reword the spec. More likely to be legal

As I see it, the JavaDoc fulfils (at least) two purposes.  It embodies
the java spec (i.e. the definition of the standard library's


and it is the principal developer documentation (i.e. how to use the
library).  We do not want to change the specification in any way, but
can enhance the usability of the documentation to developers.

For example, it would IMHO be wrong to specify the behaviour of a


with more/less restrictions than the original reference javadoc,


that implies that developers can make assumptions on one implementation
that they cannot on the other.  However, it is reasonable to give more
examples, usecases, even performance, threading guidelines, etc. that


not change the functional specification.

So I'd say writing some JavaDoc, that was neither a direct copy of the
original, nor 'enhancing' the specification, can provide value to

3. Replace the tag with a different one and provide taglet to build


doc from the Harmony sources and Sun's spec.

If I understand this correctly, then I don't see how this is
substantially different to option (1)?  Whether it is a human that does
the cut-n-paste into the Harmony release, or a doclet, the result
includes somebody else's work.


Currently IBM's contribution seems to have #2. Does anyone have an

Mikhail Loenko
Intel Middleware Products Division

-----Original Message-----
From: Geir Magnusson Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 30, 2005 10:48 PM
To: harmony-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: [RESULT] ( Was Re: [VOTE] Accept JIRA contribution

HARMONY-16 (Intel's contrib of

security code for classlib))

Tim Ellison wrote:

Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

I'll finish moving to SVN and we'll put into the classlib tree, I


Great.  Thanks again Mikhail and the team!

I suggest you either put it into the classlib tree at
"classlib/java-src/security2" or leave it in the sandbox, then we


merge it into the existing security structure without breaking the


I'll go for the former and try to whip it into common shape, and we


then decide how we do this - drop the existing security if security2


a superset, or merge.

There's a bit of things that come out of this, like the
"com.intel.drl.spec_ref" javadoc tag that we should convert, and


Also will give me a good change to frame out the test infra.



IBM Java technology centre, UK.

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