Steve Liao wrote:
>I would like to find out how other Harmony developers want to solve
>some basic JIT/VM interfacing.  One area is stack maps for precise
>enumeration of live object references.  There are many options on how
>the VM and JIT can handle this info.  For example, the JIT can store
>the stack maps internally, then produce a list of live references on
>the stack when requested.  Another approach would be to cache the
>stack map info in the VM.

I think this is very important subject and it is related to standard
interfaces between components.
Different GC algorithms can request special support from JIT. For example,
think about how different support should be for the following GC types:
simple reference counting, GC enumeration at every safe point, GC
enumeration at every instruction.
I think it is worth standardizing GC interfaces for every algorithm type and
asking JIT in run time if a particular GC technique is supported. Such an
approach will not force JIT or GC developers to use certain kind of GC
enumeration algorithm and will simplify the integration of new donations
(JIT, VM, GC modules) into Harmony.

--Mikhail Fursov, Intel Managed Runtime Division.

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