George Harley1 wrote:

I think that regression tests should be marked in some way.

Agreed. But can we please *resist* the temptation to do this by incorporating JIRA issue numbers into test case names (e.g. calling unit test methods test_26() or test_JIRA_26()). I've seen this kind of approach adopted in a couple of projects and, in my experience, it often leads to the scattering of duplicated test code around the test harness.

Better, methinks, to either create a new test method with a meaningful name or else augment an existing method - whatever makes more sense for the particular issue. Then marking certain code as being for regression test purposes could be done in comments that include the URL of the JIRA issue. Perhaps an agreed tag like "JIRA" or "BUG" etc could be used as an eye-catcher as well ? e.g.
// BUG

This topic really has gained a life of it's own. How about just a comment, like you say?


My 2 Euro Cents. Best regards, George
George C. Harley

"Mishura, Stepan M" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 12/01/2006 04:56
Please respond to


RE: regression test suite

Hello, Tim Ellison wrote:

What is the useful distinction for regression tests being kept


I can see that you may distinguish unit and 'system-level' tests just
because of the difference in frameworks etc. required, but why do I


if the test was written due to a JIRA issue or test-based development


someone who get's kicks out of writing tests to break the code?

I agree that separating regression tests doesn't make sense.
However I think that regression tests should be marked in some way.
This will signal a developer that a test was created to track already
known issue. IMHO, a regression test should point out to a bug report
and a bug report (after resolving a bug) should contain a reference to
corresponding regression test in repository.

Stepan Mishura
Intel Middleware Products Division

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