Hi, George

Thanks for splitting. It looks realistic.
Here are some comments and suggestions.

It is a certificate provider package. It is not intended to be exported and
used by other modules.

By the way, we need to decide where this (and others) provider should be
placed. For example, in the same module: crypto providers in 'crypto
module', security providers in 'security module' and so on. Or does it make
sense to separate them into a standalone module?

I'm little bit confused. Where did you get it? Security bundle should not
require it.

Neither crypto nor x-net modules require it. This package is used for unit
tests only.

com.openintel.drl.security.utils should be added to list of exported

Stepan Mishura
Intel Middleware Products Division

On 1/17/06, George Harley1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've spent a little bit of time looking at how the contents of security2
> can be split into the proposed security, crypto and x_net component
> bundles and how this will work at runtime. Below is a first approximation
> at what I *think* each of the resulting bundles will export to and import
> from other bundles at runtime. Does this look realistic to the
> contributors ? Thanks in advance for any comments or corrections.
> * Bundle : Security
> ================
> * contains packages ...
> com.openintel.drl.misc
> com.openintel.drl.security
> com.openintel.drl.security.asn1
> com.openintel.drl.security.pkcs7
> com.openintel.drl.security.provider.cert
> com.openintel.drl.security.utils
> com.openintel.drl.security.x501
> com.openintel.drl.security.x509
> com.openintel.drlx.security.auth
> com.openintel.drlx.security.auth.login
> com.openintel.fortress.drl.security
> java.security
> java.security.acl
> java.security.cert
> java.security.interfaces
> java.security.spec
> javax.security.auth
> javax.security.auth.callback
> javax.security.auth.kerberos
> javax.security.auth.login
> javax.security.auth.spi
> javax.security.auth.x500
> javax.security.cert
> javax.security.sasl
> org.ietf.jgss
> * bundle exports the following packages to other bundles ...
> com.openintel.drl.misc,
> com.openintel.drl.security,
> com.openintel.drl.security.asn1,
> com.openintel.drl.security.pkcs7,
> com.openintel.drl.security.provider.cert,
> com.openintel.drl.security.x501,
> com.openintel.drl.security.x509,
> com.openintel.fortress.drl.security,
> java.security,
> java.security.acl,
> java.security.cert,
> java.security.interfaces,
> java.security.spec,
> javax.security.auth,
> javax.security.auth.callback,
> javax.security.auth.kerberos,
> javax.security.auth.login,
> javax.security.auth.spi,
> javax.security.auth.x500,
> javax.security.cert,
> javax.security.sasl,
> org.ietf.jgss
> * bundle requires the following packages from other bundles ...
> com.ibm.oti.util,
> com.openintel.drlx.crypto.utils,
> java.io,
> java.lang,
> java.lang.reflect,
> java.math,
> java.net,
> java.nio,
> java.text,
> java.util,
> java.util.zip,
> javax.crypto
> ================
> ================
> * Bundle : Crypto
> ================
> * contains packages ...
> com.openintel.drlx.crypto
> com.openintel.drlx.crypto.utils
> javax.crypto
> javax.crypto.interfaces
> javax.crypto.spec
> * bundle exports the following packages to other bundles ...
> com.openintel.drlx.crypto.utils,
> javax.crypto,
> javax.crypto.interfaces,
> javax.crypto.spec
> * bundle requires the following packages from other bundles ...
> com.openintel.drl.security,
> com.openintel.drl.security.asn1,
> com.openintel.drl.security.test,
> com.openintel.drl.security.x509,
> com.openintel.fortress.drl.security,
> java.io,
> java.lang,
> java.math,
> java.nio,
> java.security,
> java.security.cert,
> java.security.spec,
> java.util
> ================
> ================
> * Bundle : X_Net
> ================
> * contains packages ...
> javax.net
> javax.net.ssl
> * bundle exports the following packages to other bundles ...
> javax.net,
> javax.net.ssl
> * bundle requires the following packages from other bundles ...
> com.openintel.drl.security.test,
> com.openintel.fortress.drl.security,
> java.io,
> java.lang,
> java.net,
> java.nio,
> java.security,
> java.security.cert,
> java.util,
> javax.security.cert
> ================
> ================
> Best regards,
> George
> ________________________________________
> George C. Harley

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