rohit hitnalikar wrote:
Hello Gurus,

  I am not able to understand the following bit from JVM spec v2.0
which talks about permitted narrowing reference conversions:

  *From any class type S to any interface type K, provided that S is not
final and does not implement K. (An important special case is that
there is a narrowing conversion from the class type Object to any interface
Grrr, sorry about the mostly empty reply before...keystroke problems in Thunderbird.

Ok, here's a simple case:

public class Base {

public interface AnInterface {

public class SubBase extends Base implements AnInterface

Base a = new SubBase();

AnInterface b = (AnInterface)a;

At the point of the cast, the compiler is unable to determine if reference "a" is an object that implements AnInterface. The base class Base does not, but a superclass might, so this narrowing must be allowed.

However, if Base was final, then it cannot have subclasses and thus this narrowing cannot succeed.

  Can somebody please let me know how to correctly interpret this?
  In what cases, do we come across the need to use such a feature ? an
example would be most helpful.

  This bit is taken from the following links :

  or here

thanks in advance,

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