When I was trying to use the free tool chain, I had to go find a replacement for ml, since it wasn't available anymore from MSFT (that I could find).

I think one good thing here is to try the GCC toolchain and see how far we get... then it's "free as in beer" as well as "free as in not having rights to your innovations" ;)


Paulex Yang wrote:
Hi,  Tor

Personally I think you are right that we need commercial version of VC, but AFAIK, the dependency is not ntwin32.mak(which is included in MS Platform SDK, which can be freely downloaded from MS's website), but some other utilities, such as the ml.exe to make .asm codes. I tried platform SDK, .NET SDK, and vctoolkit from MS, but all these free tools don't include the ml.exe. Ideas?

Tor-Einar Jarnbjo:

when building Harmony on Windows, the makefile in native-src\win.IA32\makefile includes ntwin32.mak. Could it be that this "utility" file is only included with the commercial versions of Visual C++/Studio? If so, and if this is the only dependency on the commercial version, would it be easily feasible for someone to replace the file with someone else, making it possible to compile Harmony with the freely available MS C++ compiler and nmake? Or is it just something here, that I haven't understood?


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