Status update

> 1) Moving com.openintel to org.apache.harmony (status: almost DONE)
> Issues:
> - Did we agree on com.openintel.drlx.* -> org.apache.harmony.x.*?
> - Tim had problems with running security tests.


 2) Integrate build files (status: NONE)
> - split 'security2' to components
> - compiling native code
> - compile and run unit tests
In progress:
- A patch was provided for creating x_net component

 Issues that may be resolved later:
> 1) Writing JavaDoc (status: the discussion got stuck, no decision was
> made)
> 'security2' has "" javadoc tag that should be
> replaced

In progress

 2) New Modules or Components
> a. Providers: put providers into separate modules (status: no objections)
> See

No objections

 b. Do reorg in security component: (status: no replies)
> Pick out JAAS, JGSS-API and SASL from 'security' module and create a
> separate module for them (name for module?). The rest of 'security' to be
> combined with 'crypto' module.
> See 

No progress since initial proposal
Well, I placed this item in not blocking list but I think that it would be
better to decide whether we are going to do reorganization or not before
continuing splitting 'security2' in components. So I'd like to attract
community attention to this proposal.

> 3) Performance testing (status: the discussion got stuck, no decision was
> made)
> There is PerformanceTest super class that should be substituted with some
> other mechanism. (JUnit decoration, simple Logger …)

In progress:
1) A patch was provided for removing redundant tests logging
2) Discussing: performance testing, tests' logging, running tests in
different configurations

 4) Test framework (status: the discussion got stuck, no decision was made)
> Where to place unit tests and how we are going to run 'security2' unit
> tests (bootclass path vs. classpath)?
In progress

Stepan Mishura
Intel Middleware Products Division

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