On 1/29/06, Mikhail Loenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> P.S. There are also 'integration' tests that verify how different 'units'
> work together.
> I think the areas of various tests intersect and it would be good to define
> them on this early stage

Well, agree. And I think our discussion is exactly about to define
what is right unit, integration and system testing.

Talking about how real unit test should be prepared I'd like to give
some example:

There is a method java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize()
which returns the current screen size.
Let's assume there is some functionality which works differently
depending on actual screen size. You are going to test that
The first approach (as I understand that is what you are using) is to:
- if the screen resolution is as expected - do testing
- otherwise skip the test.

Another approach (which I think to be more appropriate) is:
- override getScreenSize() method of some 'TestToolkit' and install it
as 'default toolkit' in the test setUp, so that it returns the desired
value for the particular test.
This gives me an ability to write all necessary tests and cover all
the paths of my functionality which depend on screen size.

Note that I'm not going to re-create all other classes of JSEE :-). I
need to control getScreenSize() only and have to create the required
mock-object to achieve that.

Anton Avtamonov,
Intel Middleware Products Division

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