Vladimir Strigun wrote:
I'm able to run eclipse on Harmony classlib + J9 VM. To run Eclipse
you need to make following steps:

- download xalan.jar, xercesImpl.jar, xml-apis.jar and serializer.jar
from xml.apache.org and put it to deploy/jre/lib/boot/

- add next line to jre/lib/boot/bootclasspath.properties :

- download and build Intel contribution of beans, math and regex
packages ( http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HARMONY-39 )

- copy beans.jar, math.jar, regex.jar to deploy/jre/lib/boot/ folder

- launch deploy/jre/bin/java -cp $ECLIPSE_HOME/startup.jar org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main

I've tried to create simple Java project and Hello class inside.
Everything works fine without any exception or problems.

Tim, in your movie I have seen new type for installed JRE in Eclipse:
"Apache Harmony VM". Do you have Eclipse plugin for Harmony already?

Holy cow, this is awesome!

Have you tried with our own VM?


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