> > Isn't it a good time to normalize classlib/trunk repository structure
> > and update "Apache Harmony Contribution Policy" document
> > (http://incubator.apache.org/harmony/contribution_policy.html) while
> > we got small number of modules?
> I think that given the fact that everyone is short on cycles as well as
> certainty, I'd like to see us test some alternative approaches before we
> decide on the One Tru Way and start moving things.
OK, I understand your point.

> As for the policy doc, why?  To match component names to policy
> documentation?
Because it is not show the real repository structure...
For example...
Contribution policy:
"Division of Repository
=== skipped ===
=== skipped ==="

Real repository:
enhanced/classlib/branches/ - unspecified but with obvious meaning
enhanced/classlib/tag/ - unspecified but with obvious meaning
enhanced/classlib/trunk/ - unspecified but with obvious meaning
All the directories inside "trunk" are not specified but almost
obvious. And only inside "enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/" we can
find module names which were mentioned in the policy.

> > I think that we should store native sources under modules directory
> > with all other module sources. modules/modulename/src/main/native
> > looks like a good place for this. It will make looking for module
> > sources much easier.
> yes - and I'm sure it's "on the list"

> > 2. It's not clear where the system specific java sources should be stored.
> > I think modules/modulename/src/linux and
> > modules/modulename/src/windows will be a good place.
> Mmmmm. We talked about this before.... I think the thought was to group
> the natives for a module together under something to prevent src/ having
> too many children...
But I believe that we need clear decision anyway... To put the native
sources inside the modules or not to put.

I think it will be very useful for developers (who plans to contribute
something to Harmony) to have up to date policy on repository
structure and building process. It will also help for users and fix
developers to understand where to find needed sources.

And my other point that now we got not much sources and it will be
rather easy to adjust them to the policy. When we will have more
modules with much more sources it will be much more hard.

Alexey A. Petrenko
Intel Middleware Products Division

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