On Sat, Feb 11, 2006 at 12:08:55PM -0500, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
> Ryan Bloom wrote:
> >As one of the original authors of APR, I would like to suggest that
> >instead of using OS dependant native code, when we get to the point of
> >writing awt, we should create an apr-window project, and create the
> >library for the abstraction layer.  I have had enough conversations
> >with other APR developers to be relatively certain that this idea
> >would be well received.

Whoah, that's a load of work you're describing there! :-)

> Hi Ryan, nice to see you around here.
> I'm happy that Enrico has changed his mind about APR and I would also be 
> in favor of harmony committing back code to APR.
> Another think that I wonder, for the windowing stuff, why don't we use 
> Cairo[1]?
> Firefox 2.0 is going to be based on it, so you would expect lots of 
> polishing/fixing/profiling/OS-portability going on on that front that we 
> would just reuse and it's dual-licensed under LGPL or MPL 1.1, so if we 
> release it under the MPL 1.1 license it's also compatible.
> What do you think?

Thought about it. I would've mention that the Java-GNOME people are
working on an AWT peer for Cairo and have a sizeable amount of the 
java bindings already done (http://cvs.cairographics.org/cairo-java/),
but I don't wan't to cause more mudslinging...


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