Tor-Einar Jarnbjo wrote:
Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:

I'm not so sure - the fact that there's been that exposure under NDA means there can be no contribution in that area until the NDA problem is resolved.

Which means? Do I have to solve it or are you willing to solve it?

Are you kidding?

It is of course silly of me not to keep legal agreements I have signed, but as Leo pointed out, is Sun not anymore requiring an NDA for other people to get access to the JDK source code.

If what you were exposed to under the NDA has no tie to what you are offering, then the NDA is irrelevant for this. For other things, you still have a problem, but if you've never seen Sun code in and around the sound API, then you are fine.

I do of course not remember anything of any source code I had in my hands ten years ago. I even quite often forget in the afternoon what I did before lunch. I am not sure however, if Sun's lawyers believe that and I rather don't want to find out.


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