allow me a rye smile ;-)

Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
> It has nothing to do w/ Java.  That's the C++ compiler for GCC.  Your
> installation of GCC is incomplete it appears - it doesn't seem to have
> C++ installed.
> (Hey Tim... what was that you were saying about C++??)
> geir
> karan malhi wrote:
>> Below are the contents of the file outerr.txt
>> gcc: installation problem, cannot exec 'cc1plus': No such file or
>> directory
>> I dont know why it is still saying gcc problem. I specified a JAVACMD
>> variable to point to the java executable under jdk1.5/bin,  as Alexey
>> had mentioned in a previous email.
>> Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
>>> ok.  Now we're making progress.
>>> Did you look at what that line in the xml document is?  It's the
>>> c/c++ compiler.
>>> There's a file "outerr.txt"  That should have more information about
>>> what exactly failed...
>>> Can you look there and report back?
>>> karan malhi wrote:
>>>> I set JAVA_HOME to jdk1.5 and the build still fails
>>>> timestamp:
>>>>     [echo] build-date=20060214
>>>>     [echo] build-time=20060214_1033)
>>>>     [echo] on platform=Linux version=2.6.14-1.1656_FC4 arch=i386
>>>>     [echo] with java home = /home/karan/jdk1.5.0_06/jre VM version =
>>>> 1.5.0_06-b05 vendor = Sun Microsystems Inc.
>>>> /home/karan/projects/Harmony/make/build.xml:41: The following error
>>>> occurred while executing this line:
>>>> /home/karan/projects/Harmony/native-src/build.xml:103: The following
>>>> error occurred while executing this line:
>>>> /home/karan/projects/Harmony/modules/security2/make/build.xml:331:
>>>> The following error occurred while executing this line:
>>>> /home/karan/projects/Harmony/modules/security2/make/native/linux/jaasnix.xml:72:
>>>> exec returned: 1
>>>> Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
>>>>> That's the problem.  As far as I know, GCJ isn't quite complete yet...
>>>>> karan malhi wrote:
>>>>>>     [echo] on platform=Linux version=2.6.14-1.1656_FC4 arch=i386
>>>>>>     [echo] with java home =
>>>>>> /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.4.2-gcj- VM version = 4.0.2
>>>>>> 20051125 (Red Hat 4.0.2-8) vendor = Free Software Foundation, Inc.
>>>>>> Alexey Petrenko wrote:
>>>>>>>>   [javac] 1. ERROR in
>>>>>>>> /home/karan/projects/Harmony/modules/security2/src/common/javasrc/javax/crypto/
>>>>>>>>   [javac]  (at line 63)
>>>>>>>>   [javac]     encodedParams = (byte []) s.readUnshared();
>>>>>>>>   [javac]                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>>>>>>>   [javac] The method readUnshared() is undefined for the type
>>>>>>>> ObjectInputStream
>>>>>>> What JVM do you use to run ant? It seems that there is no
>>>>>>> ObjectInputStream.readUnshared method in your JVM...
>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>> Alexey A. Petrenko
>>>>>>> Intel Middleware Products Division


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