On 2/17/06, Stefano Mazzocchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Fernando Cassia wrote:
> > Stefano,
> >
> > Are you a Mac user, per chance? Because you sound like one...
> Do you have a problem with that?
> --
> Stefano.
No, but I figured because you mentioned Quicktime for Java. Which nobody
outside the Mac faithful ever took seriously.

Back when the first version was released, a lot of OS/2 folks -myself
included- had a lot of hope in the product, and some even asked Apple to do
a 100% java version of the codecs and player, that is a TRUE quicktime for
java, not a silly wrapper that just interfaces java apps to it and needs the
native code player to be available on the target platform, but nobody ever
got an official reply (to my knowledge).

Over the years, then, the product went nowhere as it was really a solution
looking for a problem.

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