snowdosker wrote:

Hello, Enrico

2) in order to proceed, let's "align" our development environment in terms

of source code modifications. In fact, to build jchevm, just like you, I had
to add some declarations in some header files, and modify the pread()
call into a read(). My proposal is the following:
let's install the new versions of Cygwin, Classpath, and jchevm,
build them from scratch, produce a written document with all the steps
and modifications, and post it this mailing list.
Afterwards, we will be able to write and debug some test cases.

what do you think?

I think that I already did this since started.. Just recorded all (or I hope all) I did
Below is copy of my records....

Install Cygwin ( )
   + gcc-core
   + gcc-g++
   + gcc-java
   + make
   + zip
   + GTK
   + pkgconfig
   + autocofig
   + automake
   + libtool
(not sure that I recorded all optional packages I installed)

Download  jikes  from

Apply this patch

build jikes ( cygwin version )
$ tar -xjf jikes-1.22.tar.bz2
$ cd jikes-1.22
$ ./configure
$ make && make install

Build Classpth-0.20
$ ./configure --with-jikes --enable-gtk-peer --enable-jni
$ make

$ ./configure --with-classpath=/usr/local/classpath
Add cache clean to  before each call automake or autoconfig
rm -rf autom4te*.cache
echo "running automake"
rm -rf autom4te*.cache
echo "running autoconf"

libjc/definitions.h    ADD
#if defined (__CYGWIN__)
#define PTHREAD_STACK_MIN 1024

libjc/properties.c    ADD
#if defined(__CYGWIN__)
   if (_jc_set_property(env,
       "user.timezone", _tzname[0]) != JNI_OK)
       return JNI_ERR;

   if (_jc_set_property(env,
       "user.timezone", localtime(&now)->tm_zone) != JNI_OK)
       return JNI_ERR;

libjc/os_functions.c  ADD
*                CYGWIN                    *

#elif defined(__CYGWIN__)

#include <unistd.h>

_jc_num_cpus(_jc_env *env)

      return (int)sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN);

in libjc/zip.c   replace
pread(3) with  lseek,read

#define _JC_LIBRARY_FMT        ""

#define _JC_LIBRARY_FMT        "lib%s.dll.a"

libjc/arch/i386/i386_libjc.h    ( not sure for this is correct! )
#elif defined(__CYGWIN__)
extern inline const void *
_jc_jmpbuf_sp(const sigjmp_buf buf)
   return (const void *)buf[7];

libjc\native\java_lang_VMThread.c  ADD
/* Cygwin pthread_create() with supplied attributes is completely broken! */
#ifdef __CYGWIN__

in "static const struct poptOption jc_popt_options[] = {" remove POPT_AUTOHELP
in libjc\arch\arch_definitions.h
redefine dll name format for cygwin
#if defined(__CYGWIN__)
 #define _JC_LIBRARY_FMT        "cyg%s-0.dll"
 #define _JC_LIBRARY_FMT        "lib%s.dll.a"

Hi Ivan,

ok, in order to double check these guidelines, I'll do the whole
build from scratch and see if they lead me to the point where you are now.
I'll have the time to do it tomorrow or wednsday, though.

In the mean time, could you try to: apply the latest Archie's patch, enable the assertions,
and see where jchevm exits?


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