Will it use a maven repository? This sounds like a lot of the functionality in Maven. Whether you like Maven or not, the fact that there are large repositories of jars is great, so I hope your friend will take advantage of that.

David Tanzer wrote:
A friend of mine is currently developing a program to manage Java project resources (jars and others) called "gc resource repository"


Some of the features are:

* Central resource repository to share resources between multiple projects. * Needed resource are downloaded and stored in a local repository. * Dependencies between resources are solved. * Setup the classpath with all needed resources (jars). * Start java progams with the needed resources. * Ant integration to setup the classpath. * Modular ant build script support * Eclipse classpath builder to setup the classpath in eclipse.

You may want to take a look at it. It is distributed under the Apache
License, and I guess I could convince Rene Pirringer (the main developer
of gc-rr) to contribute it to Apache Harmony if this is desired.

Best Regards,
David Tanzer

On Tue, 2006-02-14 at 11:01 +0000, George Harley wrote:
Hi Alexey,

The "usetimestamp" attribute of Ant's "get" task kind of offers this functionality. Setting the attribute value to "true" means that the download only proceeds if the local copy of the resource is missing or stale.

There is more information on this at http://ant.apache.org/manual/CoreTasks/get.html

Best regards,

Alexey Petrenko wrote:
Well, it would be nice. However I don't like build scripts that depend on
Yes, there should be the possibility to download needed jars once and
forget about network.

 Alexey A. Petrenko
Intel Middleware Products Division

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