I'd encourage people to write these tools predominantly in Java, and
co-ordinate the code so they can share common utilities (like CLI,
custom launchers / launch scripts, etc.).


Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
> Stepan Mishura wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Are we interesting in providing a competitive set of tools and
>> utilities for
>> Harmony implementation?
> Of course.
>> (for tools list see:
>> http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/tooldocs/index.html
>> )
>> Are we going to provide the same set, subset or superset? Or it is too
>> early
>> to discuss tools list?
> Same or super.  I can't see why we'd subset if people use them.
>> As we agreed we need javadoc. And this is priority number one.
>> What about others? What about javah, appletviewer or keytool?
> Y, Y, Y.
>> I'd suggest creating a prioritized list of tools and utilities that we
>> need
>> and place it on Harmony project's site, for example, in
>> 'subcomponents' or
>> 'road map/TODO' section. A tool's priority will define its demand for
>> Harmony
>> For example,
>> Tool name       Status       Priority
>> javadoc          missing         high
>> javah             missing       medium
>> keytool          missing       medium
>> policytool       missing         low
>> klist               missing        N/A
> Go for it!
>> Thanks,
>> Stepan Mishura
>> Intel Middleware Products Division


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