Hi George

actually the native code we have in security should work on both
IA32 and IPF

So, it seems that with your suggestion we will have to have
two copies of that code. Please correct me if I'm wrong

What is about the following str:

|  |
|  +--IA32/
|  |
|  +--IPF/
|  |
|  +-- common1.cpp
|  |
|  +-- common2.cpp
|  |


2006/2/27, George Harley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Jean-frederic Clere wrote:
> > Mikhail Loenko wrote:
> >
> >> Hi George,
> >>
> >> why e.g. 'win.IA32' not just 'win'?
> >>
> >>
> > Because there will be a posix.apr that will do the portable part ;-)
> > Correct me if I am wrong.
> ...er...well, I'm not sure that it was foremost in my thoughts when I
> was working through the layout changes :-)
> I simply wanted to have a way of differentiating between code written
> for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows on Intel architecture. I am assuming that
> the Windows code there today is for 32 bit. I did wonder about splitting
> those directory names up so that instead of a folder called "win.IA32"
> we had a "win" folder with a "IA32" sub-folder (and likewise for Linux).
> i.e.
> java
>  |
>  +-common
>  |
>  +-win
>  |  |
>  |  \---IA32
>  |
>  +-linux
>  |  |
>  |  \---IA32
>  |
>  ...
> The above approach leaves the way open for other variants (e.g. 64-bit
> code) to be added in new sub-folders beneath "win" and "linux". In the
> end I opted for consistency with the "win.IA32" and "linux.IA32" names
> that are currently being used under the trunk/native-src folder in SVN.
> Best regards,
> George
> >
> > Cheers
> >
> > Jean-Frederic
> >
> >> Thanks,
> >> Mikhail
> >>
> >> 2006/2/24, George Harley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >>
> >>
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> Redrawing the proposed layout as it didn't render quite correctly
> >>> for me
> >>> when I read over the sent note (sigh).
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>        |
> >>>        |
> >>>        +---src
> >>>        |   |
> >>>        |   +---main
> >>>        |   |   |
> >>>        |   |   +---java
> >>>        |   |   |   |
> >>>        |   |   |   +---common
> >>>        |   |   |   |
> >>>        |   |   |   +---linux.IA32
> >>>        |   |   |   |
> >>>        |   |   |   \---win.IA32
> >>>        |   |   |
> >>>        |   |   +---native
> >>>        |   |   |   |
> >>>        |   |   |   +---linux.IA32
> >>>        |   |   |   |
> >>>        |   |   |   \---win.IA32
> >>>        |   |   |
> >>>        |   |   \---resources
> >>>        |   |       |
> >>>        |   |       \---common
> >>>        |   |
> >>>        |   +---test
> >>>        |       |
> >>>        |       +---java
> >>>        |           |
> >>>        |           +---common
> >>>        |           |
> >>>        |           +---linux.IA32
> >>>        |           |
> >>>        |           \---win.IA32
> >>>        |
> >>>        +---doc
> >>>        |   |
> >>>        |   \---images
> >>>        |
> >>>        +---make
> >>>        |   |
> >>>        |   \---native
> >>>        |       |
> >>>        |       +---linux
> >>>        |       |
> >>>        |       \---windows
> >>>        |
> >>>        +---META-INF
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Best regards,
> >>> George
> >>> IBM UK
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> George Harley wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Hi,
> >>>>
> >>>> Earlier on today I spent some time following the instructions for
> >>>> developing Harmony Java code inside Eclipse [1]. After experimenting
> >>>> with archive, luni and nio I decided to check out modules/security and
> >>>> found that, in its current form, it can't be brought into an Eclipse
> >>>> workspace and used like the other modules. One obvious difference is
> >>>> that it doesn't have any Eclipse project metadata in there (e.g.
> >>>> .project and .classpath files). After adding these in (in my private
> >>>> workspace), I began to look at other differences between security and
> >>>> its peer modules in particular the difference in source layouts.
> >>>> Recalling some ideas for layouts that have been kicked around this
> >>>> list,
> >>>> I started to move things around a little to try and make things a
> >>>> little
> >>>> more uniform with respect to those peer modules. Things were made more
> >>>> interesting by virtue of the following security module distinctions :
> >>>>
> >>>> * it has platform-specific Java code
> >>>> * it contains native code for both Windows and Linux
> >>>>
> >>>> Eventually I arrived at a structure that is more attuned to the other
> >>>> modules in the repository. As a bonus, Eclipse pointed out several
> >>>> missing import entries from the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file - including
> >>>> one that cannot presently be satisfied with what is in the Harmony
> >>>> repository (org.apache.harmony.security.test.SecurityTest wants to
> >>>> import java.util.logging.LoggingPermission which doesn't exist in the
> >>>> repository - although an implementation has been contributed [2]).
> >>>>
> >>>> In addition to moving source around, I also made the necessary
> >>>> tweaks to
> >>>> the Ant scripts contained in the security module plus the "top level"
> >>>> Java build file trunk/make/build-java.xml so the Ant builds still work
> >>>> as before.
> >>>>
> >>>> Keeping my fingers crossed that the next bit of this note renders
> >>>> alright in your mail client, here is the modules/security structure
> >>>> that
> >>>> I ended up with (minus all of the package sub-folders for clarity) :
> >>>>
> >>>>       |
> >>>>       |
> >>>>       +---src
> >>>>       |   |
> >>>>       |   +---main
> >>>>       |   |   |
> >>>>       |   |   +---java
> >>>>       |   |   |   |
> >>>>       |   |   |   +---common
> >>>>       |   |   |   |
> >>>>       |   |   |   +---linux.IA32
> >>>>       |   |   |   |
> >>>>       |   |   |   \---win.IA32
> >>>>       |   |   |         |   |   +---native
> >>>>       |   |   |   |
> >>>>       |   |   |   +---linux.IA32
> >>>>       |   |   |   |
> >>>>       |   |   |   \---win.IA32
> >>>>       |   |   |
> >>>>       |   |   \---resources
> >>>>       |   |       |
> >>>>       |   |       \---common
> >>>>       |   |        |   +---test
> >>>>       |       |
> >>>>       |       +---java
> >>>>       |           |
> >>>>       |           +---common
> >>>>       |           |
> >>>>       |           +---linux.IA32
> >>>>       |           |
> >>>>       |           \---win.IA32
> >>>>       |
> >>>>       +---doc
> >>>>       |   |
> >>>>       |   \---images
> >>>>       |
> >>>>       +---make
> >>>>       |   |
> >>>>       |   \---native
> >>>>       |       |
> >>>>       |       +---linux
> >>>>       |       |
> >>>>       |       \---windows
> >>>>       |
> >>>>       +---META-INF
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> All of the leaf folders under "src" have been declared to Eclipse as
> >>>> source folders (i.e. I have 9 source folders called
> >>>> "src/main/java/common", "src/main/resources/common",
> >>>> "src/main/native/linux.IA32", "src/test/java/common" and so on...).
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> I would be really keen to hear what people think of this prototype
> >>>> re-structuring. It would be great if we could make the security module
> >>>> as simple to work with inside Eclipse as the other modules are.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Best regards,
> >>>> George
> >>>> IBM UK
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> [1]
> >>>> http://incubator.apache.org/harmony/subcomponents/classlibrary/dev_eclipse.html
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> [2] http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HARMONY-88
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >

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