> > I tried to create sub-pool for each object as workaround. This hits
> > memory footprint and performance.
> You are correct about that. There is no free call. Memory can
> be either reused by calling apr_pool_clear or freed by calling
> apr_pool_destroy.
> Because for any IO system object (file, socket, mutex, etc.)
> you usually need some additional struct, the standard implementation
> look like:
> struct my_struct;
> my_struct = malloc(...);
> my_truct->fh = open(...)
> ... do something with object
> close(my_truct->fh);
> free(my_struct);
> With APR it would look like:
> struct my_struct;
> pool = apr_pool_create(...)
> my_struct = apr_palloc(pool, ...)
> my_truct->fh = apr_xxx_open(pool, ...)
> ... do something with object
> apr_xxx_close(my_truct->fh);
> apr_pool_destroy(pool);
> Since each created object has it's own cleanup function
> when calling apr_pool_destroyed all objects created with
> that pool will call it's cleanup functions, so there is
> no need to call the apr_xxx_close.

I tried to do as you recommended: create pool for each portLib object.
The only problem here is a memory footprint.
Each apr_pool_create(...)  allocates 8k memory: #define MIN_ALLOC 8192
Thus each portLib object costs 8k.
I would be happy with at least SUGGGESTED_SIZE parameter in
apr_pool_create() function.

APR_DECLARE(apr_status_t) apr_pool_create_ex(apr_pool_t **newpool,
                                             apr_pool_t *parent,
                                             apr_abortfunc_t abort_fn,
                                             apr_allocator_t *allocator

Thank you,
Artem Aliev
Intel Middleware Products Division

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