So I (ahem) 'tested' the build machine by checking in some code that
would not compile, at 16:23 GMT today -- but no complaint sent on the
dev list?


Mark Hindess wrote:
> On 21/02/06, Geir Magnusson Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Mark Hindess wrote:
>>> On 21/02/06, Geir Magnusson Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Mark Hindess wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Is there any interest in having build status emails sent to this list?
>>>>> I'm building classlib trunk with continuum and it would be simple for
>>>>> me to have messages like the following sent to the list whenever the
>>>>> status of our builds change.  Currently I'm building only on linux but
>>>>> I plan to get windows builds running in the next few days.
>>>> Cool.  Please, only send changes (pass->fail, fail->pass).
>>> Agreed.
>>> Done. (Will the non-subscriber [EMAIL PROTECTED] be able to send
>>> to the list or is there something that needs to be done to avoid
>>> moderation/spam filtering?)
>> We can certainly add that..
> Thanks.
>>>>> Currently the builds are running the default target in make/build.xml
>>>>> but if there was a top-level build-and-test target then I could run
>>>>> that instead.  This might produce more useful results.
>>>> Ah.  Can you do a sequence :
>>>> $ cd make
>>>> $ ant
>>>> $ cd ..
>>>> $ ant -f build-test.xml
>>> The current build is just a direct "svn co" and ant project at
>>> present.  My next step is to use a local repository with svn:externals
>>> pulling in the harmony trunk so I'll have more flexibility.  However,
>>> I suspect more people might run the test target if this process was
>>> simplified.  Of course, as Tim mentioned it's not trivial because of
>>> the requirement for a VM and other dependencies so perhaps it is not
>>> worth it.
>> I think it is.  It's great that you have a private version of this
>> running now for us, but we want to get to a point where
>> a) anyone can do it
>> b) The one that we reun for the project is running here on apache
>> infrastructure
> I agree.  I'd be happy to run it on apache infrastructure. I'd be
> happy to move development of the build-test-publish wrapper to apache
> infrastructure but that might slow things down a little.
>>> I'm going to concentrate on testing first - since the test results are
>>> probably more important than the actual build artifacts at this point
>>> - but wrapping the build should also allow me to add a publish step to
>>> our parent build if there was somewhere I could publish to?
>> Lets get that working - we can then run it here and have it publish
>> locally to the infrastructure...
> Agreed.
> Nothing we are doing here is really private except in that it is
> currently running on a private server.  That's really a matter of
> getting results while avoiding the logistical issues - hardware,
> access, compiler licenses, etc - of running it on apache
> infrastructure.  When it is working we can resolve those issues. 
> Until it is working there isn't really much incentive.
> Regards,
>  Mark.
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: Apache Harmony Build <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>> Date: 20-Feb-0006 11:04
>>>>> Subject: [continuum] BUILD SUCCESSFUL: Classlib/linux.ia32
>>>>> Online report :
>>>>> Build statistics:
>>>>>   State: Ok
>>>>>   Previous State: Failed
>>>>>   Started at: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 11:03:46 +0000
>>>>>   Finished at: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 11:04:56 +0000
>>>>>   Total time: 1m 9s
>>>>>   Build Trigger: Forced
>>>>>   Exit code: 0
>>>>>   Building machine hostname: hy2
>>>>>   Operating system : Linux
>>>>>   Java version : 1.4.2(IBM Corporation)
>>>>> Changes
>>>>>       No files changed
>>>>> ****************************************************************************
>>>>> Output:
>>>>> ****************************************************************************
>>>>> [snip]
> --
> Mark Hindess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> IBM Java Technology Centre, UK.


IBM Java technology centre, UK.

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