Damian Hamill <damian <at> herculeez.com> writes:

> Can we have a  distribution of Harmony that complies with Java 
> certification and add whatever is required to build an on-demand version 
> so as a developer/distributor I can choose what technologies I adopt for 
> the distribution and execution of my Applets ? 

No. It needs to quack, walk and swim like Java in all configurations to be

Sun would sue Apache to hell and back if we did that, and as a negative bonus,
we wouldn't get certified. Subsetting is prohibited for licensees, so Apache can
not ship a subset.

But the code being free software, you, personally, can ship a subset of Apache
Harmony code, unless you've got a contract with Sun that prevents you from doing
that. BCL, JRL, SCSL, or whatever else they have to prevent you from shipping
subsets. If in doubt, ask your lawyer.

dalibor topic

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