Mark Hindess <mark.hindess <at>> writes:

> Since these are generated files they probably shouldn't be in svn in
> the first place.  Though I can see why it is handy to have them there.
>  Perhaps we need a "snapshot" on the web site?
> > Was it something the automated build process have informed us about ?
> The build is currently only doing "cd make; ant".  I can add the doc
> build but at the moment the ant tasks are configured to ignore
> failures so the build wouldn't actually break.

I thought the results of the builds were already in

That's what I've been using for Japi results. I did notice that the last run
was from Feb 17th, but I thought that was just because no automated build was

If there *is* an automated build running, could its output be made available
somewhere so the Japi results can be based on the latest CVS rather than two
weeks old?


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