Tim Ellison wrote:
Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:

Tim Ellison wrote:
Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
does it make sense to move the launcher there?  We'll need to reuse for
other tools.
I don't think so.  The tools should be capable of being written in Java
code, so putting all that logic under enhanced/tools/javadoc or whatever
makes sense, and creating a common tools framework in Java; but the
launcher has a closer affinity to the class lib code than a general tool
would be expected to have (it has to set up the portlib, VMI interface
to the VM, create the VM etc.).

I can imaging that we put code in the launcher to make it invoke a tool
trivially in the tools framework, but that would be a specialization of
the generic launcher.
Fair enough. Now that I think about it, won't our javac be "java.exe
SomeClass.class" anyway?

Essentially, yes -- I'm just saying that the 'javac' executable that
does 'java MyCompilerCommand.class' (and the rmic, keytool, ... tools)
should not have its own copy of all the code in java.exe.

Right - there should be one single copy that all the tools share.

IMHO toolsmiths should just focus on the MyCompilerCommand side for now.


Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
Where do you think we should put this?  It doesn't belong in classlib.

I'm going to make a  tools subproject that's a peer to classlib to try
and get people working on our toolset.

Think it should go in there?

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