Here's a good link with a summary of some of the new features:

One of the major pieces that I missed is uplifting everything to support the
Unicode 4.0 updates; char is now UTF-16 encoded value, etc.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nathan Beyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, March 03, 2006 6:19 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: J2SE 5 Plan / Roadmap
> This can probably be split up into a couple pieces; here are some of my
> thoughts.
> * JLS3 bytecode support - Can the current VM load JLS3 class files? If
> not,
> what's missing (besides the major.minor version header)? Can some features
> be enabled/uplifted to allow APIs to move forward? Since generics are a
> compile-time feature, can code begin using generics by just allowing the
> JLS3 major.minor version? In any case, this probably breaks down into a
> couple topics: generics, annotations, enums, return-value-covariance and
> others.
> * Java 5 APIs [NEW] - Most of the brand-new APIs have been identified
> (, etc) and some are already being checked in. It
> seems
> like there's already a undocumented process here, which is to uplift and
> build any APIs to the Java 5 specification and leaving out any Java
> 5-specific language features, like generification, enums and annotations.
> * Java 5 APIs [Generfication] - Once we can allow code with generics to be
> compiled and loaded, then we could begin a phase of uplifting all of the
> newly generified APIs (Collections, etc).
> * Java 5 APIs [Annotations] - I suspect, but could be wrong, that
> Annotations support will be more difficult to implement in the VM, as
> there
> is some runtime support. When this is available, another phase can be
> initiated to uplift all of the APIs with the appropriate Annotations
> (@deprecated, @override, etc).
> I'm not too familiar with the JAPI tool, but if Stuart can get the Harmony
> reports to run against the Java 5 specifications, I this would provide an
> enormous boost in the arena of new Java 5 APIs. Does JAPI support JLS3
> features, like generics, annotations and enum checking?
> Those are some of my thoughts at least.
> BTW: JLS3 == Java Language Specification, 3rd Edition
> -Nathan
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Geir Magnusson Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Friday, March 03, 2006 9:40 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: J2SE 5 Plan / Roadmap
> >
> > We should probably start thinking about how we'll move forward.  There
> > have been a few casual conversations, but lets start getting some things
> > down here.

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