Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
> Tim Ellison wrote:
>> Is there some way to teach JIRA not to send so much mail?
> Stop using it as a chat room. :)

So what is the right way to use JIRA?

 - people open an issue,
 - maybe comment with a test case
 - maybe attach a patch or two
 - I may comment on the issue, with comments that are relevant to that
specific issue
 - when I work on it I assign it to me, and say progress started
 - when I'm done I resolve it
 - when the reporter has verified it they comment to say so
 - I close it as verified

What steps should I stop doing?

>> Every state change produces mail to the world - even though it is likely
>> only of interest to the reporter, assignee, and watchers.  i.e. any way
>> to solve the problem rather than move it ;-)
> Every change should be visible to everyone for maximum transparency, or
> so I believe.  It would be a pain in the rear if one had to explicitly
> sign up for each jira one was interested in.

Some people say every JIRA state change / comment is too much 'spam' --
you want to see them all ...

> That said, once the VM activity gets really honking, we'll probably need
> a second stream for those...

Not sure why the VM is special here.


>> Leo Simons wrote:
>>> Taking care of this now...
>>> I will note that this makes it even more important for committers and
>>> active contributors to subscribe to the commits mailing list - a lot of
>>> important information is in those jira messages.
>>> I will also note that it *also* makes it even more important that Jira
>>> is not used for discussion - that really needs to happen here on the
>>> mailing list where  everyone can track it. The ASF has had some bad
>>> experience in the past with too much communication going via the issue
>>> tracker; this isn't so much a guideline as it is a pretty hard
>>> requirement.
>>> - Leo
>>> On Tue, Mar 07, 2006 at 08:17:45AM -0600, Archie Cobbs wrote:
>>>> Mark Hindess wrote:
>>>>> Geir,  There are quite a lot of JIRA messages these days, perhaps it
>>>>> is time to split the JIRA traffic to a separate list with a reply-to
>>>>> set to harmony-dev.  Or perhaps just have them sent to the commit
>>>>> list?
>>>> Yes, please... +1e6
>>>> -Archie


IBM Java technology centre, UK.

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