Mark and Chris

Thank you very much for your warm heart. I checked out Wiki's online help, and it is true, the WikiName will be rendered as link automatically, but unluckily the "~" prefix doesn't work:(. I find two solutions from the document 1. insert six consecutive single quotes, like this: Wiki''''''Name (who created this idea?) 2. exclamation mark as prefix , i.e, !WikiName, (this is better, and is what I chose)

P.S. I have sent a message several hours ago on this thread, but seems it has disappeared silently, and even Thunderbird failed to download mails these hours :-( . Bad luck never come alone.

Chris Gray wrote:
On Thursday 09 March 2006 11:41, Paulex Yang wrote:

But there is a very silly question, why several class names, such as
FileChannel, CharBuffer, etc, are considered as hyper link
automatically, while some other class name, such as Closeable are
rendered as plain text?  Actually there are no relevant pages available
for these names, and I did nothing  special to them. Help me! O:-)

Probably because the wiki software considers any word with embedded capitals to be a WikiName, and hence a link to a page of that name within the wiki. You'll have to consult the documentation for the wiki software to find how to work around this feature. (A good candidate for the most annoying thing ever invented, if you ask me).

Have fun,


Paulex Yang
China Software Development Lab

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