Hi, Mikhail,

Mikhail Loenko wrote:
Hi George!

I need to study H-57 SerializationTester, likely it makes sense taking
best ideas from both

I was trying to find out how the framework works and how a test
based on that framework looks like.

I've taken the first class refering to SerializationTester, it was

it has two serialization related test methods:

They both call SerializationTester methods but I did not find that they check
that the objects are the same. Did I miss anything?
The CharacterCodingException don't necessary to be assertSame() for serialization test, because it has no predefined constants:).

I think the classes commonly needs to override readResolve() method to implement predefined constants serialization properly, so that it is easy to find all the candidates from the JavaDoc page of serilization form. But, of course, readResolve() is not a suffient condition:(.


Paulex Yang
China Software Development Lab

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