I tend to consider that as two separate patches. One that corrects the
formatting, and one that fixes the bug.

Regards, Upayavira

Nathan Beyer wrote:
> My approach to this has been to avoid doing the source formatting for an
> entire file and only format the section that you're working on. You can just
> select a portion of a file and format that. Additionally, instead of
> formatting, you might try just using the "Correct Indention", this won't
> apply all of the formatting rules; it just adjusts the indentions that are
> selected.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Richard Liang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 1:56 AM
>> To: harmony-dev
>> Subject: Subclipse Diff: Are there any way to ignore whitespace when
>> creating patch using Subclipse in Eclipse
>> Dears,
>> If you select "Spaces only" as Eclipse "tab policy" and you format the
>> Harmony source code in Eclipse, when you creating patch for the source
>> code, Subclipse may regard the source code as total different  with the
>> source in SVN. Then other developers cannot know what you have changed
>> to the source code. So are there any way to avoid this confusion? Thanks
>> a lot.
>> --
>> Richard Liang
>> China Software Development Lab, IBM

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