Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:

Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
Leo Simons wrote:
On Mon, Mar 20, 2006 at 08:04:34AM -0500, Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
It's not a moderator issue, Leo. We actually have zero moderation requirements for the Harmony lists because we set things up to require people to subscribe in order to post.

Oh. Kewl. Nevermind me then. I do hope we don't have that set up for PPMC -
PPMCs need to be reachable 'n stuff.

no, wait, having *one* moderator for a mail list is a bad idea, no matter what. I pretty strongly suggest to add a few more if there are volunteers.

-ppmc is not configured the same as -dev, and has multiple moderators. -dev is special because of the onslaught that we were expecting. it's worked very well so far.

Just to be clear what "it's worked very well so far" means...

We have our -dev list configured in a way that requires no human moderation for two reasons :

1) We wanted to shield ourselves from the initial onslaught of "I like Java! I want to help!" messages that a high-profile project like this would attract, which give the moderators for Geronimo (myself included) at the start an awful lot of work. By forcing everyone who wants to submit to actually subscribe, we ensure that people have thought about their interest, and it isn't just a "throwaway".

2) We want to ensure that anyone who posts to the list understands the terms under which they are posting, and asking people to subscribe does that.

Having me listed as moderator for -dev is really only a "canary in the mine" - if something changes in how the mail list is configured, a human (me in this case) will possibly receive a mail, and will hopefully cause me to scratch my head and wonder why....

I'll change that to -ppmc now so in the event of a problem, the entire ppmc sees it...


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