I think this is the case when me might choose "follow the spec"

Most likely we will not break existing applications if we weaken
requirements for method arguments. But advanced users would be able
to use our benefits.


2006/3/30, Paulex Yang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> About the Internet proxy properties, the Java 5 document says '*' can be
> used as wild card character for matching, as below
> "http.nonProxyHosts indicates the hosts which should be connected too
> directly and not through the proxy server. The value can be a list of
> hosts, each seperated by a |, and in addition a wild card character (*)
> can be used for matching. For example:
> -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts="*.foo.com|localhost". "
> But RI's behavior looks strange. The wildcard character works only if
> it's the first or last character in "host" String. Test case below shows
> the details. Shall we make Harmony be compatible with RI?
> public void testNonProxyHosts() throws URISyntaxException {
>        ProxySelector selector = ProxySelector.getDefault();
>        List proxyList;
>        Proxy proxy;
>        // set http proxy
>        System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", "");
>        // RI works as expected if '*' is the last character
>        System.setProperty("http.nonProxyHosts", "10.10.*");
>        proxyList = selector.select(new URI("";));
>        proxy = (Proxy) proxyList.get(0);
>        assertEquals(Proxy.NO_PROXY, proxy);
>        // If '*' is neither the first character nor the last character, '*'
>        // RI consider '*' as a common character instead of wild card
>        System.setProperty("http.nonProxyHosts", "10.10.*.2");
>        proxyList = selector.select(new URI("http://10.10.*.2";));
>        proxy = (Proxy) proxyList.get(0);
>        assertEquals(Proxy.NO_PROXY, proxy);
>        // the test below confirms that the '*' is not considered as
> wild card
>        System.setProperty("http.nonProxyHosts", "10.10.*.2");
>        proxyList = selector.select(new URI("";));
>        proxy = (Proxy) proxyList.get(0);
>        assertEquals(Proxy.Type.HTTP, proxy.type());
>        assertEquals("", proxy.address().toString());
>    }
> --
> Paulex Yang
> China Software Development Lab

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