Oliver Deakin wrote:
Tim and I have now completed the package renames at repository revision 391957. It is now safe to update and start building the Harmony classlib again.

If you use the IBM VME in combination with Harmony classlib, you will need to download the new version (v2) to continue working with classlib after revision 391957. They can be found at:
and are called Harmony-vme-win.IA32-v2.zip for Windows and Harmony-vme-linux.IA32-v2.tar.gz for Linux.
The VME v1 is not compatible with Harmony classlib after revision 391957.

Awesome! I'm downloading the new VME............

BTW, there is only "IBM Development Package for Apache Harmony v1.0 <https://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/iwm/web/preLogin.do?lang=en_US&source=ahdk&S_TACT=105AGX05&S_CMP=JDK>" link in the index page. But after you login (if you already have a IBM ID), following the link you will see the new VME v2.

Tim Ellison wrote:
Ok, the renames are done -- I'll leave this around for a few hours in
case somebody screams.  Otherwise it is a case of checking out the
earlier revision.


Tim Ellison wrote:
FYI: Before we do the refactoring I'm making a copy of trunk onto the
branch directory ... I'll remove it once things are settled.


Oliver Deakin wrote:
Hi all,

Tim and I plan to complete the refactoring of package names from com.ibm
to org.apache.harmony over the next few hours. We are going to make a
backup of the current classlib trunk in a branch before we make our
changes, so we can revert should anything unexpected occur.

Please be aware that while we are making these changes the build will
probably be broken, so it may be worth not updating until we complete.
Ill send a mail to confirm when we are finished.


Richard Liang
China Software Development Lab, IBM

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