On 4/28/06, Paulex Yang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Richard Liang wrote:
> Paulex Yang wrote:
>> I see, the OutputStreamWriterTest does fail, seems there's some
>> problem for CharsetDecoder to handling UTF-8 byte stream, but the
>> InputStreamReader itself should work because it pass all tests for
>> other decoding. I'll go on to study it.
>> And I also realized there is a bug in my former proposal - it cannot
>> support the non-blocking InputStream, so the revisited version is as
>> below:
>>    private void fillBuf() throws IOException {
>>        chars.clear();
>>        int read = 0;
>>        do{
>>            try {
>>                read = in.read(bytes.array());
>>            } catch (IOException e) {
>>                chars.limit(0);
>>                throw e;
>>            }
>>            boolean endOfInput = false;
>>            if(read == -1){
>>                bytes.limit(0);
>>                endOfInput = true;
>>            }else{
>>                bytes.limit(read);
>>            }
>>            decoder.decode(bytes, chars, endOfInput);
>>            bytes.clear();
>>        }while(read > 0 && chars.position() == 0);
>> //the main difference with prior version is to check read>0 instead
>> of read != -1, so that the InputStreamReader based on non-blocking
>> InputStream can return immediatelly
>>        chars.flip();
>>    }
> Yes. It IS a bug of ICU4JNI. I have submitted a bug [1] for ICU and
> have proposed a fix for it.
> [1] http://bugs.icu-project.org/cgi-bin/icu-bugs/incoming?findid=5180

Great! Thank you, Richard. Vladimir, how about I attach patch for
InputStreamReader to Harmony-166 at first? At least, it can make
InputStreamReaderTest pass.

Yes, of course. Thank you!


Richard, have you tried the OutputStreamWriterTest with your patch for
ICU and my modification to InputStreamReader?

Paulex Yang
China Software Development Lab

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