
We had a discussion about stress tests design. I'd like to present you simple 
model which allows construction of stress tests from junit tests. Using simple 
configuration strings we get various stress scenarios.
Please, find it here:

Comments and remarks are appreciated.

Alexander Shipilov.
Intel Middleware Products Division

Stress test generator
   * Open a project under Eclipse 3.1
     - Unzip StressTestGenerator.zip to the Eclipse workspace
     - File->Import...->Existing Projects into Workspace
     - Choose StressTestGenerator as a root directory and click Finish
   * Run the project in command line
     - Add junit.jar to <Eclipse workspace>/StressTestGenerator
     - Change directory to <Eclipse workspace>/StressTestGenerator
     - Run the following command
       java org.apache.harmony.test.share.stress.ReliabilityRunner -cp 
.\;junit.jar Test1{}
   * More examples
     - In this example Test1 is performed in a loop
       java -cp .\;junit.jar 
org.apache.harmony.test.share.stress.ReliabilityRunner generator.Loop { Test1 
     - Two parralel threads performs Test1 in a loop
       java -cp .\;junit.jar 
org.apache.harmony.test.share.stress.ReliabilityRunner generator.Thread { 
generator.Loop { Test1 {}}} generator.Thread { generator.Loop { Test1 {}}}

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