Stepan Mishura wrote:
On 5/18/06, Jimmy, Jing Lv wrote:

> Stepan Mishura wrote:
> 4)Resource file name MUST contain some index.
> In general, a test may use a set of resource files
> To summarize: for test
> have the following structure
> modules/luni/src/test/resources
>    org/apache/harmony/tests/java/lang
>        SomeClassTest.golden.0.ser
>        SomeClassTest.golden.1.ser
>        SomeClassTest.golden.2.ser
>        SomeClassTest.harmony.0.ser
>        SomeClassTest.harmony.1.ser

For they are ser-files of a certain class, why not name it with the
class's name, e.g. someclass.X.X.ser?

We may wish to create a number of tests for a class with names like
SomeClass1Test, SomeClass2Test .... So it will be clear from ser-file name
which test use it if the ser-file name starts with test's name.

In the discussion we have a position for index in the name, maybe it is better to use that. ".ser" suggests it is a ser-file of one class, after all it is not the ser-file of the test itself, right? :)

However IMHO, in most cases, we need no more than two ser-files (one for RI and one for Harmony). Add more postfix seems unnecessary. Is that OK if we have only two file, we just name them as "SomeClass.harmony/RI.ser"? And if there's only one ser-file, just name it as "someclass.ser"?


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Best Regards!

Jimmy, Jing Lv
China Software Development Lab, IBM

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