Great news! Thanks Intel, and well done to Geir and Tim for getting this together for JavaOne!

Tim Ellison wrote:
Way to go Intel!

During the JavaOne talk we were able to demonstrate the following
applications running on last Friday's snapshot build of Harmony with
the IBM VME:

 - RSSOwl 1.2 atom/rss newsreader (
 - Tomcat 5.5.17, the JSP and Servlet examples
 - Eclipse 3.2 RC4 and how it is used for componentised development

and as Geir already said, his announcement of AWT/Swing allowed us to demo:

 - JEdit, a non-trivial Swing application

We are learning a lot about how to manage large contributions into the
Harmony project, and I think everyone is doing a great job.

Code talks.  This much code talks loudly.

Thanks again

Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
Today during our JavaOne talk (given by Tim and I) I was proud to
demonstrate JEdit running on Harmony!

That's right, with Swing/AWT code.  The formal contribution is on it's
way, and I don't wish to steal any more thunder from the contribution
when it's made, but we (Intel hat on here..) wasn't able to make the
donation in time for the talk today because of internal process loose
ends, and I wanted to make a splash for us at JavaOne.

I expect it will be here in the next couple of days.

Harmony - The question of compatible open source isn't "whether", but when!


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IBM United Kingdom Limited

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