Method class$ is synthetic and is produced by the Java compiler for some
class which references some class by the construct <some class name>.class
in its method' code.
For example, the code
Class c1 = Object.class;
will produce the following Java assembly for method class$
Method name:"class$" static Signature: 26=(java.lang.String)java.lang.Class
Attribute "Code", length:50, max_stack:3, max_locals:2, code_length:18
 0: aload_0
 1: invokestatic #1=<Method java.lang.Class.forName (java.lang.String
 4: areturn
 5: astore_1
 6: new #3=<Class java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError>
 9: dup
10: aload_1
11: invokevirtual #4=<Method
14: invokespecial #5=<Method java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError.<init> (
17: athrow
Exceptions (count: 1):
 start: 0, end: 4, handler: 5, type: 2=java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
Attribute "LineNumberTable", length:6, count: 1
 line: 4 at pc: 0
Attribute "Synthetic", length:0

On 5/22/06, Weldon Washburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

There is a problem in the early boot stage with the method "class$"
from the current version of java/lang/Character.

What is exact problem you are experiencing with this method? How did you get
to the fact it is related to java/lang/Character?

Pavel Pervov,
Intel Middleware Products Division.

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