Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:

>> The links ends up at Jonathan Schwatzs blog at
>> where he writes
>> "But all in all, a really great week - we're now making serious
>> progress on open sourcing Java (and despite the cynics, using a GPL
>> license is very much *on* the table), [...]"
> I found his phrasing "despite the cynics" ironic, because we cynics
> expect that it would be GPL  or something equally as restrictive in
> order to preserve as much control as possible.


My bet goes on dual CDDL: reciprocal and non-reciprocal. The things they
dont' care to control go under non-reciprocal CDDL, the ones that do go
under reciprocal CDDL.

And yes, it won't be compatible with the GPL (because of it will need IP
provisions that the GPL doesn't have) and it won't be compatible with
the Apache License 2.0 (because it will be reciprocal).

As a result, it will be open source, there won't be no community for 3
years and neither Classpath nor Harmony will be able to use a single
line of code from it.


who cares, we have enough momentum to get to certification before their
lawyers even finish the above discussions :-)


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