
The conventional approach is to ahead of time compile MMTK to an
executable image.  Then load this image during JVM initialization.
This means building some sort of AOT infrastructure.  I would like to
avoid this for initial bring up if at all possible.  Instead, I am
thinking of forcing Jitrino.JET to jit all MMTK classes during JVM
bootstrap.  My guess is that this will slow down bootup by 1-2
seconds.  In other words, no biggie because we can always go back and
clean this up once some else installs AOT infrastructure.

One gotcha is that there can be no real garbage collection before MMTK
has been JITed.  Its not likely to be a big problem since
bootstrapping a JVM does not burn up gigabytes of java heap.


Weldon Washburn
Intel Middleware Products Division

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