Salikh Zakirov wrote:
> Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
>> What I don't understand is the "motivation" or the "theory" behind how
>> and why it was done.  I'm hoping that if I grok that, all will fall into
>> place for me and with that different perspective, I might find it easier
>> to work with.
> The two main requirements behind the design of this build system were
> 1. Unify the build system for the class library and VM

But we can *easily* do that simply by having a top level script first
invoke the DRLVM build, and then the classlibrary (or whatever order is

> 2. Do not use Cygwin for the build on Windows

That's fine, although at some point, someone will hopefully make that
work too.

> (and a number of other reasonable requirements
> 3. incremental build
> 4. tracking C++ dependencies
> 5. keeping platform-specific configuration in a compact and readable form)


>> As I understand it, it's really a "meta  build" system, as it's purpose
>> seems to be to create the actual ant scripts that execute to do the
>> work.  Why?
> (less sure about this one)
> As far as I understand, the trick with preprocessing XML files allows to keep
> platform-specific configuration compactly in one readable file.
> And by the way, the XML transformation (what you call "meta build" system) is
> only limited to filtering XML fragments based on the detected platform.

Hm.  I thought it was more than that given the eventual creations of the
massive file, build.tmp.xml

>> Also, it doesn't use 'make' for building the C/C++ code.  Why?
> Using GNU make leads to requirement to have GNU tools on Windows (contradicts
> requirement (2) above)
> NMAKE cannot be used since it is not available on the Linux.

We seem to do ok w/ classlib though...?

> Moreover, <cctask> from Ant-contrib is not bad in tracking dependencies
> and running various kinds of compilers.
> We used GNU Make for some time while preparing DRLVM contribution,
> but moved on to Ant-based system later because of requirements (1), (2).

Ok, thanks.

> --
> Salikh Zakirov, Intel Middleware Products Division 
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