That's great, thanks Garrett. Sound like a very sensible, simple way to
approach global builds.
Garrett Rooney wrote:
On 6/8/06, Oliver Deakin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Would /classlib and /drlvm be checked out in your local workspace as
to /trunk or would they be checked out under /trunk/classlib etc. and
linked to
the right bit of SVN from there? i.e. if you wanted to make local
changes to classlib,
say, and be able to incorporate them into your global build under
but also generate patches against the code in svn under /classlib/trunk
for submission,
where would the code you are making changes to be checked out to in the
diagram? (my knowledge of svn switch is somewhat slim...)
The basic idea is that you initially check out a copy of trunk that
has a few empty directories in it. Then, svn switch says "hey, this
directory in my working copy that used to point to
$HARMONY/trunk/classpath (which is empty) should now point to
$HARMONY/classpath/trunk". It'll then essentially check out the
contents of $HARMONY/classpath/trunk into your working copy's
classpath directory. At that point you can do things like run an
update or a diff at the top level of your working copy and it'll
nicely recurse into the switched subdirectories. If you make changes
in those subdirectories there and commit them they'll be committed to
the $HARMONY/classpath/trunk directory in the repository (or wherever
you had that subdirectory switched to). Does that make sense?
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Oliver Deakin
IBM United Kingdom Limited
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