
On 09.06.2006, at 05:51, Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:

Please join the Apache Harmony PPMC in welcoming the project's newest
committer, Mark Hindess.

Mark has demonstrated the elements that help build a healthy community, namely his ability to work together with others, continued dedication to
the project, an understanding of our overall goals of the project, and
some amazing ability in creating build systems :)

We all continue to expect great things from him.

Mark, as a first step to test your almighty powers of committership,
please update the committers page on the website. That should be a good
 (and harmless) exercise to test if everything is working.

Things to do :

1) test ssh-ing to the server
2) Change your login password on the machine as per the account email
3) Add a public key to .ssh so you can stop using the password
4) Change your svn password as described in the account email

At this point, you should be good to go. Checkout the website from svn
and update it.  See if you can figure out how.

Also, for your main harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk please be sure that
you have checked out via 'https' and not 'http' or you can't check in.
You can switch using "svn switch". (See the manual)

Finally, although you now have the ability to commit, please remember :

1) continue being as transparent and communicative as possible.  You
earned committer status in part because of your engagement with others.
 While it was a  "have to" situation because you had to submit patches
and defend them, but we believe it is a "want to". Community is the key
to any Apache project.

2)We don't want anyone going off and doing lots of work locally, and
then committing. Committing is like voting in Chicago - do it early and
often.  Of course, you don't want to break the build, but keep the
"commit bombs" to an absolute minimum, and warn the community if you are
going to do it - we may suggest it goes into a branch at first.  Use
branches if you need to.

3) Always remember that you can **never** commit code that comes from
someone else, even a co-worker.  All code from someone else must be
submitted by the copyright holder (either the author or author's
employer, depending) as a JIRA, and then follow up with the required
ACQs and BCC.

Again, thanks for your hard work so far, and welcome.

The Apache Harmony PPMC

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