
Thanks.  The below helps.  I reread the unboxed package.  It now makes
much more sense.  I think I finally understand it.  Sorry for being so
dense.  Please tell me if the following is correct:

For 32-bit machine, instances of class Address are simply 32-bit integers.

//the jit intentionally breaks the type system and assigns the first
argument, obj1, to the location holding oref
// the jit sees oref as a regular java object, oref will be gc enumerated

ObjectReference oref = ObjectReference.fromObject(obj1);

//the jit sees adr as an int, oref.toAddress() is an intrinsic method
// that simply takes the "this" ptr and moves it to the
//32-bit int location containing adr
//adr is never gc enumerated

Address adr = oref.toAddress();

On 6/15/06, Robin Garner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Weldon Washburn wrote:
> All,
> Perhas the MMTk crowd knows the answer to the following questions.
> Can I simply not use
> org.mmtk.plan.PlanLocal.writeBarrier(ObjectReference src, Address
> slot, ObjectReference tgt, Offset metaDataA, int metaDataB, int
> mode);?
> Instead, I want to only use writeBarrier(ObjectReference src, Offset
> srcOffset, ObjectReference dst, Offset dstOffset, int bytes);.  Will
> this be a problem?
The two writebarriers are for separate cases.  The first is a putfield
write barrier, the second is a special case for a reference array copy.
> Questions about the incoming args:
> ObjectReference src
> From the JITs perspective, an ObjectReference is indistinguishable
> from a java.lang.Object.  Is this true?  False?
Yes, but MMTk assumes that its target language is not necessarily Java.
An ObjectReference is a pointer to a heap object, whatever that may be
in the language being managed.
> Address slot
> When is  "Address slot" argument actually created?  Does this Address
> object live long enough such that its "value" field needs to be
> updated following a copying GC?  Is the answer the same for both Jikes
> and the Rotor ports?
A write barrier should never be invoked on an object that is being
copied.  An Address is an unboxed type, so objects of that type are
never created.
> Offset srcOffset
> In DRLVM, the classloader resolves a field offset once and it never
> changes.  Does it make sense for the classloader to create all the
> Offset objects during load time?  Initially, I want to create these
> objects _outside_ the formal java heap to have tight control over
> object movement and deletion.   Basically, I don't want the Offset
> object to ever move or ever be deleted during the initial stages of
> MMTk integration.
Offset objects are never created.  Think of an offset as a primitive
type with methods.
> A question about how jikesrvm-2.4.4/MMTk handles objects that are not
> inside the offical heap.  Are these objects simply ignored?  I know
> that ECMA CLI spec requires that objects which are not in the official
> heap must be ignored.  I simply don't know if this requirement is
> incorporated in 2.4.4/MMTk source base.
Any object that MMTk encounters must be in the heap that it manages.  In
JikesRVM/MMTk, there are a minimum of 4 regions of the heap, VM,
Immortal, LOS and then any plan-specific region.  I think the objects
you are referring to would be in the VM space ???
> While it looks like a lot of work to get DRLVM to generate Offset
> object properly, it looks like even a bigger job to modify MMTk to
> replace Offset class with an "int" that holds a given field's offset.
> Any opinions on this statement?
Not true, IMO.  The JikesRVM compiler replaces Offset "objects" with a
primitive type of the natural word length of the machine.

Hope this helps,

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Weldon Washburn
Intel Middleware Products Division

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