Cute - thanks!


Ming Wu wrote:
> We have developed a Java GC with mark-sweep algorithm and integrated it
> into
> the current drlvm code. The key feature is, the GC is not prebuilt into
> binary, but loaded and jitted by the VM at runtime. Hopefully it is useful
> to the existing efforts porting MMTk to DRLVM. It is actually the
> rewrite of
> gc_mf of drlvm in Java language. It can run some simple Java applications,
> but there is some issue with the build environment (different from what we
> developed the GC with) that prevents us from running it with reasonable
> size
> Java application. We tried to minimize the change to DRLVM existing code.
> We have submitted the Java GC and patch file for VM to
> JIRA(HARMONY-622<>).
> To run it, one should specify the classpath of the Java GC for the patched
> VM, for example:
>        cd $JAVA_GC_HOME
>        tar zxvf javagc.tar.gz
>        ij -classpath ./:$JAVA_GC_HOME/javagc HelloWorld
> You can switch the VM GC module back to GC_v4 in the following code
> (vmcore/src/init/vm_main.cpp):
> static int initialize_gc_component() {
>  if (0) {     //change 0 to 1 to switch to GC_v4
>    initialize_c_gc_component();
>  } else {
>    initialize_java_gc();
>  }
> }
> If you want to completely disable this mechanisms of Java GC support in
> DRLVM, please change the macro definition of GC_DLL to "gc" and remove the
> invocation to initialize_gc_component in function vm_main."

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