I've been puttering about and am having a problem under linux.

Everything builds now, and APR is built using the standard ./configure &
make combination.  No big deal.

But I seem to have a linking problem - libvmi.so gets built w/o things
like pool_* entries resolved.  I do believe that I'm pointing the linker
at the right files in /classlib via vmi.xml via libset.  I think I'm
right as when I tweak the lib name, say from "hypool" to "hypoolwoogie"
the build complains.

But still - libvmi.so on my box is made w/o those deps.

Given that the <cc> and <linker> ant tasks are black magic to me, how
does one figure this out?  can you make <cc> tell you want it's doing?
I have no idea what it's using to link, for example, and what the
invocation of the linker is in terms of flags and args.

Any help appreciated...


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