Nathan Beyer wrote:
I've been hacking away at those warnings every chance I get. The 'luni'
module is going to be filled warnings until we can begin using annotations,
specifically the @SuppressWarning, especially the Collections classes. There
are a number of cases where unchecked type uses are a requirement because of
limitations in current APIs, backwards compatability and generic array

Here are some of the major pieces that can't be avoided and need suppressing
* Cloning - When you clone a generified object you have no choice but to do
an unchecked cast.
* Generic Array Construction - The only thing you can do is T[] = (T[])new
Object[size]; and suppress the warning.
I agree,  do we need a list on these unavoidable cases?

here goes some other samples come form PriorityQueue
1. Deserialization to generic array or collections: elements[i] = (E)in.readObject()
2.  Comparator<T>.compare(), for the given Object, you must cast it to T
3. Accept a Comparator from another collection, the collection's generic type is probably <? extends E>, but the Comparator's is generally <? super E>, so codes like this cannot be avoidable:
void getFromSortedSet(SortedSet<? extends E> c) {
   comparator = (Comparator<? super E>) c.comparator();
In any case, I'm all for keep this stuff as clean as possible. I have my
Eclipse compiler settings cranked to the max in the IDE.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Hindess [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 12:49 AM
To: Apache Harmony Dev List
Subject: [classlib] Help wanted!

I was looking at building (and testing) with Eclipse + IBM VME.  I think
this is really important since ecj has a much cleaner classpath when it
compiles so it helps us find errors quicker.

The logs come out at over 3MB!  There are lots of warnings about less
than ideal type checking - mostly as a result of our adoption of more
generics.  For example:

    [javac] 1. WARNING in
    [javac]  (at line 44)
    [javac]     relations.add(relation);
    [javac]     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    [javac] Type safety: The method add(Object) belongs to the raw type
References to generic type Vector<E> should be parameterized
    [javac] ----------
    [javac] 2. WARNING in
    [javac]  (at line 88)
    [javac]     (AccessibleRelation[])relations.toArray(new
    [javac] Type safety: The method toArray(Object[]) belongs to the raw
type Ve
ctor. References to generic type Vector<E> should be parameterized

I think we should try to improve these, but there are rather too many
for me to do on my own!  What do others think?  I think we could disable
the warnings from Eclipse but I don't think that's really the right
thing to do.

The distribution of warnings is as follows:

    4 accessibility
   24 archive
   90 auth
  707 awt
   61 beans
    7 crypto
  128 jndi
  206 luni
   10 luni-kernel
    4 misc
    8 nio
    7 nio_char
   32 prefs
   17 regex
  260 rmi
  568 security
  936 swing
   26 text
   14 x-net


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