Gregory Shimansky wrote:
> On Friday 23 June 2006 02:18 Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
>>>> We would be able to do it if really necessary, but I'd rather avoid if
>>>> we can.  I do think that the current DRLVM shows that it can be avoided
>>>>    (so we have a way for people to get started) as well as the
>>>> flexibility for people who want the control.
>>> >From the Gentoo user standpoint who can just type
>>> emerge ant cpptasks eclipse log4cxx apr icu icu4j
>>> and get all the dependencies installed in the system I wholeheartedly
>>> support the way for build just to point to locations of already installed
>>> binaries.
>> Exactly.
> I wanted to add that patching ant with cpptasks as it is done today should 
> not 
> be allowed since system wide installations are usually write protected.


Note that when we're finished, DRLVM shouldn't do anything to the
filesystem outside of harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk

>>> After all it is the way all other software actually installs on Linux.
>>> Yes for windows maybe we'll need binaries kept somewhere in a shed.
>> Nah :)
> Ok a set of URLs probably should be enough. Since there is no package manager 
> in windows every library has to be downloaded somehow. But I just don't know 
> off top of my head where to get log4cxx or apr libraries for windows and 
> googling doesn't give any easy answer.

We'll provide that in our developer docs.  There are no APR binaries for
windows (or anything else for that matter).

The assumption is that if you are going to build harmony, you'll have
the tools installed to build the deps if need be.  If not, we offer
build snapshots.



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